Pricing (REVAssurance 4.5)

REVAssurance offers competitive pricing to ensure that you maximize your return on investment.

Products Description Price
REVAssurance 4.5 GOVERNMENT Over 150 Letters, Affidavits, Forms & Reimbursement Tools (WITH NEW VA Letters, Affidavits and Protocols ADDED!) $2,995.00
(for 20 users)
REVAssurance 4.5 Update NEW HMO ER & Poststabilization Legislative Updates and Letters WITH VA Letters, Affidavits and Protocols ADDED! $1,995.00
(for 20 users)
Support Packages Description Price
REVAssurance 4.5 Support FREE UPDATES, Unlimited Online Assistance, Appeal Letter Review & Consultation $3,500.00
REVAssurance 4.5 Support XTREME All of the above, plus Unlimited Customization of New Payor Jurisdictions & 5 Monthly Claims Representation Calls $7,500.00

Each purchase of REVAssurance licenses twenty (20) users to access our program.

The REVAssurance program will cost you a mere $150 per user, the equivalent of $12.50 a month (or $250 for 20 users) over a single 12 month period!