28 CCR §1300.71.4(b)

August 28, 2020 5:12 pm | Published by

(b) In the case when an enrollee is stabilized but the health care provider believes that the enrollee requires additional medically necessary health care services and may not be discharged safely, the following applies:

(1) A health care service plan shall approve or disapprove a health care provider’s request for authorization to provide necessary post-stabilization medical care within one half hour of the request.

(2) If a health care service plan fails to approve or disapprove a health care provider’s request for authorization to provide necessary post-stabilization medical care within one half-hour of the request, the necessary post stabilization medical care shall be deemed authorized. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the health care service plan shall have the authority to disapprove payment for (A) the delivery of such necessary post-stabilization medical care or (B) the continuation of the delivery of such care; provided, that the health care service plan notifies the provider prior to the commencement of the delivery of such care or during the continuation of the delivery of such care (in which case, the plan shall not be obligated to pay for the continuation of such care from and after the time it provides such notice to the provider, subject to the remaining provisions of this paragraph) and in both cases the disruption of such care (taking into account the time necessary to effect the enrollee’s transfer or discharge) does not have an adverse impact upon the efficacy of such care or the enrollee’s medical condition. (Emphasis added.)

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (b) of this rule, a health care service plan shall pay for all medically necessary health care services provided to an enrollee which are necessary to maintain the enrollee’s stabilized condition up to the time that the health care service plan effectuates the enrollee’s transfer or the enrollee is discharged.

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