37 Fla. Stat §627.6131(6)(a)(2-3)
(6) If a health insurer determines that it has made an overpayment to a provider for services rendered to an insured, the health insurer must make a claim for such overpayment to the provider’s designated location. A health insurer that makes a claim for overpayment to a provider under this section shall give the provider a written or electronic statement specifying the basis for the retroactive denial or payment adjustment. The insurer must identify the claim or claims, or overpayment claim portion thereof, for which a claim for overpayment is submitted.
(a) If an overpayment determination is the result of retroactive review or audit of coverage decisions or payment levels not related to fraud, a health insurer shall adhere to the following procedures:
(2) A provider that denies or contests a health insurer’s claim for overpayment or any portion of a claim shall notify the health insurer, in writing, within 35 days after the provider receives the claim that the claim for overpayment is contested or denied. The notice that the claim for overpayment is denied or contested must identify the contested portion of the claim and the specific reason for contesting or denying the claim and, if contested, must include a request for additional information. If the health insurer submits additional information, the health insurer must, within 35 days after receipt of the request, mail or electronically transfer the information to the provider. The provider shall pay or deny the claim for overpayment within 45 days after receipt of the information. The notice is considered made on the date the notice is mailed or electronically transferred by the provider.
(3) The health insurer may not reduce payment to the provider for other services unless the provider agrees to the reduction in writing or fails to respond to the health insurer’s overpayment claim as required by this paragraph.
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