CO Rev. Stat. §10-16-104(3)(a)(I-III)
(3) Maternity coverage. (a)
(A) All group sickness and accident insurance policies providing coverage within the state and issued to an employer by an entity subject to part 2 of this article 16, all group health service contracts issued by an entity subject to part 3 or 4 of this article 16 and issued to an employer, all individual sickness and accident insurance policies issued by an entity subject to part 2 of this article 16, and all individual health care or indemnity contracts issued by an entity subject to part 3 or 4 of this article 16, except supplemental policies covering a specified disease or other limited benefit, must insure against the expense of normal pregnancy and childbirth or provide coverage for maternity care and provide coverage for contraception in the same manner as any other sickness, injury, disease, or condition is otherwise covered under the policy or contract; except that coverage for contraception must be consistent with the requirements in section 10-16-104.2 .
(B) Individual sickness and accident insurance policies or contracts may exclude coverage for pregnancy and delivery expenses on the grounds that pregnancy was a preexisting condition; except that the exclusion for a pregnancy as a preexisting condition under the policy or contract does not apply for any subsequent pregnancies. Group sickness and accident insurance policies or contracts must not exclude coverage for pregnancy and delivery expenses on the grounds that pregnancy was a preexisting condition.
(II) Coverage for a hospital stay following a normal vaginal delivery shall not be limited to less than forty-eight hours. If forty-eight hours following delivery falls after 8 p.m., coverage shall continue until 8 a.m. the following morning.
(III) Coverage for a hospital stay following a cesarean section shall not be limited to less than ninety-six hours. If ninety-six hours following the cesarean section falls after 8 p.m., coverage shall continue until 8 a.m. the following morning.
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