NY Ins L §3224-b(b)(1-3)
(b) Overpayment to healthcare providers.
(1) Other than recovery for duplicate payments, a health plan shall provide thirty days written notice to health care providers before engaging in additional overpayment recovery efforts seeking recovery of the overpayment of claims to such health care providers. Such notice shall state the patient name, service date, payment amount, proposed adjustment, and a reasonably specific explanation of the proposed adjustment.
(2) A health plan shall provide a health care provider with the opportunity to challenge an overpayment recovery, including the sharing of claims information, and shall establish written policies and procedures for health care providers to follow to challenge an overpayment recovery. Such challenge shall set forth the specific grounds on which the provider is challenging the overpayment recovery.
(3) A health plan shall not initiate overpayment recovery efforts more than twenty-four months after the original payment was received by a health care provider.
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