Product License Agreement (RevAssurance Online & Support)
This Product License Agreement is the controlling document for all legal rights and responsibilities of ERN Enterprises, Inc. and its customers who purchase a subscription for “RevAssurance Online” or “RevAssurance Support.”
This website is owned and operated by ERN Enterprises, Inc. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to ERN Enterprises, Inc.
Throughout this agreement, the term “site” or “sites” refers to If you are purchasing or have purchased RevAssurance Support, “site” or “sites” refers to, instead.
ERN Enterprises, Inc. is not acting as your attorney in connection with delayed or denied claims for medical coverage by various insurance companies. ERN Enterprises training services do not constitute legal advice or legal consultation and do not establish an attorney-client relationship. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of legal counsel are the sole responsibility of the Provider. You are encouraged to seek independent legal advice at your sole discretion.
ERN Enterprises, Inc., appreciates your consideration to use RevAssurance Online and/or RevAssurance Support to assist you combat unfair payment patterns in claims recovery. When you purchase a subscription to this denial management system from ERN Enterprises or any of its licensed resellers, you are purchasing a limited license to access this website through at least one (1) user account—consisting of an email address “username” and password—per subscription purchased. This website, its products, and its resources remain the exclusive property of ERN Enterprises, Inc.
This License Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which you are granted the limited license to use our site. It is very important that you carefully read all of this agreement so that you can be fully informed of your rights, privileges and responsibilities under federal copyright law.
You have the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access this site. and use its licensed software programs and content through at least one (1) user account—consisting of an email address “username” and password—per subscription purchased. Each user account may be used by only one (1) person. This agreement expressly prohibits “account sharing” or “credential sharing”—i.e. more than one person using a user account to access this site.
Your subscription may allow you to share your subscription with additional user accounts. These additional user accounts must be used by individuals who work for the same organization or business as you, the subscriber. This license agreement expressly prohibits sharing your subscription with other organizations or businesses. We reserve the right to verify the identity of your additional individuals and refuse service if your request for additional users violates this agreement.
You may not copy, duplicate or transfer to other organizations, businesses, or persons our licensed content, prior versions of this site or its software, or any associated documentation. Very importantly, you may not copy, modify, transfer, or in any way duplicate the site or its software, wholly or in part, the documentation, or other parts of the product in a way which is not explicitly and precisely allowed by this agreement.
Term of License
This license is effective until your subscriptions and your user accounts are suspended, halted, or terminated and you destroy all physical or electronic copies of the materials or return to ERN Enterprises, Inc. all physical and electronic copies of these materials. This license will also be terminated by your failure to comply with this agreement. As an example, sharing your user accounts, whether or not both people represent the same organization, terminates your license to use the product and is copyright infringement.
Limited Warranty
ERN Enterprises, Inc. (licensor) warrants that for the period of the purchased subscription, RevAssurance Online and/or RevAssurance Support will perform substantially as described in the Licensor’s tutorials and manuals. If any defects or usability issues should be discovered, you may receive expedited assistance from the Licensor of the licensed software for a fee.
Licensor makes, and you receive, no other warranty expressed or implied. This warranty cannot be modified, verbally or otherwise. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made concerning the following: suitability, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, utility or ultimate benefit to the licensee. In no case will damages exceed the amount paid to licensor (ERN Enterprises, Inc.) by Licensee or Licensee’s reseller or agent.
Licensor is not responsible for any consequential loss or damages, including (but not limited to) business interruption, inconvenience, or loss of income resulting from actions caused or alleged to be caused by Licensor or Licensor’s resellers or agents.
You agree that all documentation, content, disks, programs, techniques, and processes contained in the site and its software are the exclusive property of ERN Enterprises, Inc. and you agree these items constitute copyrighted and/or patented material of ERN Enterprises, Inc. and will be safeguarded by you. You may not reproduce any of these materials, except as provided herein, or with the written permission of ERN Enterprises, Inc. (not its agents, distributors, resellers, or licensees).
You may not transfer, sub-license, lease, rent, time-share or lend this software, your copies, or any related material without prior written consent from ERN Enterprises, Inc. itself. You may not remove or obscure ERN Enterprises, Inc. copyright or trademark notices in either hardcopy or machine readable portions of the software. Any distribution of original or reproduced materials, whether for profit or not, is copyright infringement and is protected and administered by criminal and civil statutes.
You may print or modify the appeal letters and other content contained within this site only if this usage is solely for the personal use of the licensed user on behalf of the purchasers own business claim appeal practice. Any unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, derivative works from, or in any way exploit of its contents in part or in whole is prohibited and will be considered a violation of the user license.
Any access to the appeal letter database contained within RevAssurance by any means other than by the program, for any purpose, is strictly prohibited.
Updates to the Software
Updates and enhancements to the site and its software may be made available from time to time at various prices. If you violate the terms of our license agreement, ERN Enterprises, Inc. is under no obligation to provide you any updates or support and your rights to use the program are lost.
This license shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the County of Orange and the State of California. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this agreement shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof.
Any modifications to this site and its licensed content performed by person(s) other than employees or contracted agents of ERN Enterprises, Inc. voids all warranties offered by ERN Enterprises, Inc. Copyright infringement is a serious crime covered by Federal copyright laws, criminal and civil statutes. This agreement is provided to protect both the rights of the software publisher and the legitimate, licensed software user. Your use of this site indicates your acceptance to the terms and conditions of this agreement. ERN Enterprises, Inc. makes important enhancements and improvements to our site and its software on an ongoing basis; your compliance with the licensing agreement is necessary to notify you of these innovations or to provide you with support.
RevAssurance is designed to assist medical providers with appealing wrongfully denied insurance claims and enforcing prompt payment laws. We are not extending legal advice regarding any subject matter. If you are unsure about your legal rights in any dispute, you should consult an attorney.
Copyright Information: © ERN ENTERPRISES, INC. and its licensors