28 TAC §19.1718(d)(3)
(d) An HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must issue and transmit a determination indicating whether the proposed medical or health care services are preauthorized. This determination must be issued and transmitted once a preauthorization request for proposed services that require preauthorization is received from a preferred provider. The HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must respond to a request for preauthorization within the following time periods:
(3) If the proposed medical care or health care services involve post-stabilization treatment, or a life-threatening condition as defined in §19.1703 of this title (relating to Definitions), the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must issue and transmit a determination indicating whether proposed services are preauthorized within the time appropriate to the circumstances relating to the delivery of the services and the condition of the enrollee, but in no case to exceed one hour from receipt of the request. If the request is received outside of the period requiring the availability of appropriate personnel as required in subsections (e) and (f) of this section, the determination must be issued and transmitted within one hour from the beginning of the next time period requiring appropriate personnel. The determination must be provided to the provider of record. If the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan issues an adverse determination in response to a request for post-stabilization treatment or a request for treatment involving a life-threatening condition, the HMO or preferred provider benefit plan must provide to the enrollee or individual acting on behalf of the enrollee, and the enrollee’s provider of record, the notification required by §19.1717(a) and (b) of this title (relating to Independent Review of Adverse Determinations).
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