RCW 48.43.093 (d)
(d) If a health carrier requires preauthorization for post evaluation or post stabilization services, the health carrier shall provide access to an authorized representative twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to facilitate review. In order for post evaluation or post stabilization services to be covered by the health carrier, the provider or facility must make a documented good faith effort to contact the covered person’s health carrier within thirty minutes of stabilization, if the covered person needs to be stabilized. The health carrier’s authorized representative is required to respond to a telephone request for preauthorization from a provider or facility within thirty minutes. Failure of the health carrier to respond within thirty minutes constitutes authorization for the provision of immediately required medically necessary post evaluation and post stabilization services, unless the health carrier documents that it made a good faith effort but was unable to reach the provider or facility within thirty minutes after receiving the request.
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This post was written by revassurance