RCW 48.43.115 (3)
(3)(a) Every health carrier that provides coverage for maternity services must permit the attending provider, in consultation with the mother, to make decisions on the length of inpatient stay, rather than making such decisions through contracts or agreements between providers, hospitals, and insurers. These decisions must be based on accepted medical practice.
(b) Covered eligible services may not be denied for inpatient, postdelivery care to a mother and her newly born child after a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section delivery for such care as ordered by the attending provider in consultation with the mother.
(c) At the time of discharge, determination of the type and location of follow-up care must be made by the attending provider in consultation with the mother rather than by contract or agreement between the hospital and the insurer. These decisions must be based on accepted medical practice.
(d) Covered eligible services may not be denied for follow-up care, including in-person care, as ordered by the attending provider in consultation with the mother.
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